CONTENTS VOLUME.23 / NUMBER. 11 11.11 FEATURES 34 What will you do when things start to change? Remember what they say about the best laid plans...well, that flight plan you so diligently worked on now isn't going to fly—so to speak—so what's your Plan B? By Jill W. Tallman WHEN THE PLAN GOES OUT THE WINDOW 38 TECHNIQUE Stability How an aircraft responds to an upset. By Ian J. Twombly See page 34 "A VERY SMART COLLEAGUE AMENDS THE 'PLAN THE FLIGHT AND FLY THE PLAN' RULE BY ADDING THESE WORDS: 'BUT ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN B.'" COVER STORY » 28 ON THE COVER » —JILL W. TALLMAN Revisiting one of our earliest forms of navigation. FOLLOW THE RIVER Long before moving maps or VOR radials, airborne navigation was entirely earthbound. By W. Scott Olsen Cameron Lawson photographed a Diamond DA40 over the Madison River in southwest Montana to accompany W. Scott Olsen's story "Follow the River," which begins on page 28. NOVEMBER 2011 FLIGHT TRAINING /1