» COLLEGIATE CONNECTION Flight Training Aviation College Directory Flight Training’s aviation college directory, which includes colleges and universities that provide associates, bachelors, or masters degrees in aviation fields, is available online for free (ft.aopa.org/colleges). If you already have a degree, or if college isn’t the route for you right now, visit our online flight school directory (ft.aopa.org/schools). Southeastern Oklahoma State University • Master of Science Degree: Aerospace Administration and Logistics • Bachelor of Science Degree: Professional Pilot Option Visit AOPA Airports online at www.aopa.org/members/airports/ For the most up to date airport information, fuel prices, and all your flight planning needs. • Bachelor of Science Degree: For information on our aviation programs contact: Aviation Management 580-745-3252 or 800-435-1327 x3252 Business Option For Admission information contact: A&P Management Option Admissions@se.edu or 800-435-1327 x2060 Safety Option Security Option 800-435-1327 AVIATION.SE.EDU Aviation Sciences Institute 60 / FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORGhttp://ft.aopa.org/colleges http://ft.aopa.org/schools http://www.flyuvu.com http://www.aopa.org/members/airports/ http://AVIATION.SE.EDU http://FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORG