CIRRUSAIRCRAFT.COM LEARN TO FLY IN YOUR CIRRUS BECAUSE IT MAKES SENSE TO TRAIN IN THE AIRCRAFT YOU WANT TO FLY. At our Training Center, training is more than mastering stick and rudder skills; it’s about becoming comfortable and confident in your aircraft. That’s why we prefer to teach with a Cirrus. Their genius is all the technology, innovation and safety features work together in one, simple system. When you learn in a Cirrus, you get those basic skills, but you also learn how to manage your aircraft’s systems and really, to fly like an airline pilot. And you do it in a cabin so comfortable, you’re able to truly enjoy the experience. Getting your license isn’t the end goal, it’s the starting point. Learn in the plane you’re going to fly and the way you live will change. Régis de Ramal, Advanced Aircraft 2012 F LY YO U R O W N C I R R U S 8 8 8 . 7 5 0 . 9 9 6 1http://www.CIRRUSAIRCRAFT.COM