“ I just love flying. The challenge is the thing for me. Every day and every student is new. I’ve always wanted to be a pilot. The thrill of flying has appealed to me ever since I was a little kid. I’ve always wanted to be a pilot, ever since I was a little kid. I even remember my first flight. I’ve been up in the Mustangs, so it’s pretty much been a childhood dream. None of my immediate family fly, but my great-uncle flew P-51Bs during World War II. I just always thought that it was kind of a cool job. Today was my private pilot checkride. I passed. Today was my first flight. This is something I wanted to do since high school and never had the time. The challenge is the thing for me. I definitely have more time in small planes than airliners. I love to travel. It’s a bit overwhelming, looking at all the instruments. But we’re excited. But even his eyes got big when we landed on one wheel in the crosswind. I think at one point we had a 41-degree-crab angle. That was pretty amazing. I was an airport rat. Even before I took lessons or had my license, all I wanted to do was fly in thunderstorms. They amaze you sometimes. Leaps and bounds forward. I always liked physics and the concept of flight. I’m going for a sport pilot license. What a day! I couldn’t handle a desk job, that’s for sure. It’s really nice out there today and the pattern work went great.