Mark Fryburg Beaverton, Oregon AOPA Member Since 1988 Pilot Protection Services Total Time: 2,175 hours Member: Hillsboro Flying Club Regularly flies: C-172, C-182, & BE-33 Debonair Occupation: Government Affairs Representative Without AOPA Pilot Protection Services, I wouldn't be flying right now. They've helped me through several "ticket threatening" spots with my medical. Given that even minor medical or legal problems can be very big deals to the FAA, the little extra I pay AOPA for help is well worth it! Mark Fryburg | AOPA 00382425 Beaverton, Oregon AOPA Pilot Protection Services guards your pilot and medical certificates to protect your freedom to fly Legal Services Plan: - Legal defense for FAA alleged violations - Legal defense for state or local enforcement actions - Unlimited legal consultation on most covered aviation matters (Plus Level) Medical Assistance: - Help with medical waivers - Medical record review to avoid delays (Plus Level) - Personal advocacy with the FAA - Unlimited medical consultation Tips and Advice: - Weekly articles - Monthly eNewsletter - Quarterly webinar We've Got Your Back with Affordable Legal and Medical Coverage Visit AOPA.ORG/pps or call 800-872-2672 Each case is different-past success does not guarantee future results. Legal coverage provided by the AOPA Legal Services Plan. See plan description at for complete coverages, exclusions, and limitations. LEGAL | MEDICALhttp://www.AOPA.ORG/pps