COMMON ERRORS Fixating on the point. As one instructor said, "it's not going anywhere. Don't stare at it." Cross-control. It's easy to get your feet out of sync with your hands. Avoid it. Altitude. Remember to scan the altimeter. Drifting in. Most pilots tend to overbank on the upwind side and are therefore blown in toward the point. Don't be shy about rolling out the bank. Bad neighbor. Avoid practicing in the same spot repeatedly. PRACTICAL TEST STANDARDS To determine that the applicant: 1. Exhibits satisfactory knowledge of the elements related to turns around a point. 2. Selects a suitable ground reference point. 3. Plans the maneuver so as to enter left or right at 600 to 1,000 feet agl, at an appropriate distance from the reference point. 4. Applies adequate wind-drift correction to track a constant radius turn around the selected reference point. 5. Divides attention between airplane control and the ground track while maintaining coordinated flight. 6. Maintains altitude, plus or minus 100 feet; maintains airspeed, plus or minus 10 knots. APRIL 2015 / FLIGHT TRAINING / 43