Been There, Done That... But Do You Have the T-Shirt? AOPA 2015 Fly-In Tees are now available, along with other great summer essentials! Shop the AOPA Pilot Gear store for our newest design that uniquely showcases our 2015 event locations. If you've been to one of our fy-ins - or plan on attending one this year - you need the t-shirt to prove it! As always, your purchase supports AOPA's mission to protect the freedom to fy. Visit the AOPA Pilot Gear store at these 2015 events: Sun 'n Fun - Apr. 21-26 AOPA Fly-In Salinas - May 16 AOPA Homecoming Frederick - Jun. 6 AirVenture - Jul. 20-26 AOPA Fly-In Minneapolis - Aug. 22 AOPA Fly-In Colo. Springs - Sept. 26 AOPA Fly-In Tullahoma - Oct. 10 Visit: aopapilotgear.com