YOU CAN FLY 2020 GETTING STARTED IN FLIGHT TRAINING WHAT'S INSIDE A SP EC ISSU IAL FOR E NEW THE PILO T PAGE 28 PAGE 32 PAGE 36 PAGE 47 05 You Can Fly 08 Let the Fun Begin 20 Different Paths to the Sky 25 Fit to Fly 28 Your New Ride 32 The Gear You'll Need 36 Revolutionary Technology 40 Alphabet Soup 42 Financing Your Training 44 Yes, You Can 47 Oh, the Places You'll Go 50 Why Be an AOPA Pilot? YOU CAN FLY 2020 is an annual publication of FLIGHT TRAINING magazine (ISSN 1047-6415), which is produced and distributed eight times per year by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. AOPA membership dues are $79 per year. Current U.S. student pilots can receive a complimentary six-month Introductory Membership by completely filling out a request form or by sending their name, address, and email address to P.O. Box 471, Frederick, MD 21705-0471. No material may be used or reprinted without written permission. Printed in USA. For change of address: Call 800-USA-AOPA or email A GOOD PILOT IS ALWAYS LEARNING FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORG 1http://FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORG