Small light sport aircraft are a faster and less-expensive path to a pilot certificate. If you only ever plan to fly you and a friend or loved one for fun, it's a great option. Even if your dreams include large jet aircraft, LSA can be a good first step. SCHEDULING TIPS How to keep your training on track Flight lessons are scheduled individually, at your own pace, and usually via a website. Scheduling an aircraft and instructor can be a challenge at some of today's busy flight schools. Here are some tips to make sure your training stays on track. Make it regular. Find a regular time in your personal schedule, and keep that time open for flying. Maybe it's before work, during lunch, or on the weekend. Whatever the time, making it a regular appointment can help keep you focused on progressing. Schedule early. Schedules can fill up fast. Grab your chosen time with an aircraft and instructor as far in advance as possible. Schedule often. Don't feel bad about filling up a regular schedule a month in advance. Grab that time and make it