IT HAD BEEN A SUCCESSFUL FERRY FLIGHT. THE AIRPLANE PERFORMED BRILLIANTLY AND SEEMED NO WORSE FOR THE WEAR. BUT WHETHER IT HAD BEEN HELPFUL FROM A FLIGHT TRAINING STANDPOINT WASN'T AS CLEAR. Road builders know where the low elevations are. When you are considering where to cross mountain ranges, look for roads. Long periods at high altitudes are draining. Supplemental oxygen can help dramatically, even at 12,500 feet where it's not required by regulation. Land with enough fuel to fly to another airport. If the fuel truck is broke, the self-serve pump doesn't work, or the power is out, you won't be stranded. Sinful sweets. Jolly Ranchers, Lifesavers, jellybeans; calories consumed at altitude don't count. AOPA.ORG/FT 33http://www.AOPA.ORG/FT