Learn to fly with the headset that takes all the others to school. Model H10-13.4 The David Clark Model H10-13.4 may be the longest and best-selling headset in the history of aviation. It's logged millions of flight hours in thousands of aircraft. And for some very good reasons − outstanding comfort, rugged durability and reliability you can count on, flight after flight. Which probably explains why so many pilots that learn to fly with the H10-13.4, keep flying with the H10-13.4. Visit www.davidclark.com or call 800-298-6235 for more information. © 2020 David Clark Company Incorporated ¨ Green headset domes are a David Clark registered trademark. An Employee Owned American Company W W W. D AV I D C L A R K . C O Mhttp://www.davidclark.com http://WWW.DAVIDCLARK.COM