TABLE OF CONTENTS YOU CAN FLY 2021 A SP EC ISSU IAL FOR E WHAT'S INSIDE NEW THE PILO T 4 Welcome to Our World 10 Getting Started: Living the Dream 20 After the Checkride: Fun With Wings 24 Aviation Careers: To Infinity and Beyond PAGE 4 30 Pilot Gear: You'll Want It All PAGE 10 34 Aircraft You Can Fly: Cool Rides 38 The Ratings Game: What's Your Flying Goal? 40 You Can Fly 41 Cost Analysis 43 Medical Certification 45 Weather-Wise 47 Why AOPA PAGE 24 PAGE 34 YOU CAN FLY 2021 is an annual publication of FLIGHT TRAINING magazine (ISSN 1047-6415), which is produced and distributed eight times per year by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. AOPA membership dues are $79 per year. Current U.S. student pilots can receive a free AOPA student pilot trial membership by completely filling out a request form or by sending their name, address, and email address to P.O. Box 471, Frederick, MD 21705-0471. No material may be used or reprinted without written permission. Printed in USA. For change of address: Call 800-USA-AOPA or email 50 Aviation Speak PAGE 38 PAGE 30 PAGE 45 A GOOD PILOT IS ALWAYS LEARNING FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORG 1http://FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORG