Looking for a career in aviation? Check out Flight Training's aviation college directory, which includes colleges and universities that provide associate, bachelor's, or master's degrees in aviation fields (aopa.org/colleges), or visit our online flight school directory (aopa.org/schools) to locate flight schools in your area. aopa.org/colleges FORGING CAREERS Broaden Your Horizons Emmalee Dutcher Get started now with an Associate in Science (A.S.) in Professional Pilot Technology. Ask our advisors about scholarships and financial aid. 305.237.5950 mdc.edu/aviation or email haviation@mdc.edu Inupiaq Eskimo Tribe ERJ-175 Pilot SkyWest Airlines UVU Class of 2014 ONLINE AND TRADITIONAL DEGREES Professional Pilot | Aviation Management Aerospace Technology Management FlyUVU.com We do more than train pilots. We educate tomorroW's leaders. aVIatIoN.slu.edu Flight Training - August.indd 1 6/6/17 1:44 PM AOPA.ORG/FT 49http://www.aopa.org/colleges http://www.aopa.org/schools http://www.aopa.org/colleges http://www.mdc.edu/aviation http://www.FlyUVU.com https://www.slu.edu/parks/index.php http://www.AOPA.ORG/FT