Model H10-13.4 Passive Noise Reduction One headset continues to make history, long after most other headsets have become history. A lot of aviation headsets have come and gone over the years. But for decades of flight hours and tens of thousands of pilots, the classic H10-13.4 headset from David Clark stands the test of time. Featuring outstanding comfort, rugged reliability, dependable performance and backed by customer service and support second to none. It's no wonder that so many pilots that have learned to fly with H10-13.4, are still flying with it today. And the rest is history. For more information call 1-800-298-6235 or visit © 2021 David Clark Company Incorporated ® Green headset domes are a David Clark registered trademark. WWW.DAVIDCLARK.COM An Employee Owned American Companyhttp://WWW.DAVIDCLARK.COM