Looking for a career in aviation? Check out Flight Training's aviation college directory, which includes colleges and universities that provide associate, bachelor's, or master's degrees in aviation fields (aopa.org/colleges), or visit our online flight school directory (aopa.org/schools) to locate flight schools in your area. aopa.org/colleges CALLING ALL AVIATORS Earn up to $15K in Bonuses as a Cadet Instructor! Comprehensive benefits package International routes with Embraer 170/175 fleet Industry-leading Quality of Life perks APPLY NOW Contact a Recruiter envoy.cadet@aa.com | (972) 374-5607 envoyair.com/cadet | @envoyaircareers FLIGHT TRAINING MAY 2023 53http://www.aopa.org/colleges http://www.aopa.org/schools http://www.aopa.org/colleges http://aero.UND.edu http://www.envoyair.com/cadet