AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 16)
EDITORIAL THE 'PILOT' IS BORN You see holding a copy of the first issue of what w hope and -intend will e be the leading monthly magazine i general aviation. We tally intend that n The AOPA PILOT be the most informative, most vigorous, most dediwill cated publication of its kind i the world. n In starting publication of The PILOT, AOPA is entering into another enterprise typical of the Association's growth. Needless to my, The PILOT is a major business venture, one that was adopted only after long and earnest consideration. We felt we were right when we made the original decision to fro ahead, and as we have watched the first issue going through its many production stages w are more convinced than ever that the dee cision to produce The PILOT the right decision. was At this point in AOFA8shistory it is important to reflect upon some of the basic poticiea that have made AOPA by far the largest organization of its kind on earth, because these policies will control The PILOT itself. First and foremost, AOPA-d The Pm-are dedicated solely and exclusively to serving AOPA members. This has been AOPA'a policy from its beginning, a d is just as much BO today with The PILOT as it was then. The PILOT will inform and instruct AOPA members exclusively. It will not be aold on newsatas&. Advertising pages of The PILOT available to are advertisers so that they may offer their products t o AOPA members. AOPA alone will determine what material of interest and concern to members will appear in the editorial columns of the magazine. Such editorial coverage of any subject or product will be predicated solely on its interest to members. There will be no deals to (rive editorial coverage i return for advertising n space, an irresponsible practice that has unfortunately crept into the pages of far too many aviation publications. And those few companies with which AOPA way have to take issue from tune to time will be treated in exactly the same manner as they've been treated i the past, whether or not they n happen to be adverthem in The PILOT. other words, AOPA'S principles In have never been for sale, and aren't now. We will continue to speak as freely now as we've always done in the past We believe AOPA members are primarily interested in matters pertaining to general civil aviation, and we intend to confine ourselves to that concept. We will leave articles on guided miasilea to the many publications currently dealing in such matters. However, when we find material in any of the military or airline sources that would prove helpful or interesting to AOPA members, we will publish it. Other than such exceptions, we will confine ourselves to general aviation. We will concern ourseivea with new developments i civil aircraft and their accessories, safety devices and practices, n flight techniques, rules and regulations; interesting people, interesting flights, airports and their operators. We will concern ourselves with both the beginner and- the more advanced pilot i preparing articles on mvkn tion, flight planning, meteorology, aircraft flight characteristics and radio techniques. AB we've sfid, this i the very first issue. Subsequent issues will he ims proved or changed as drcumtaaces dictate. As our members T?acoine aware of the hind of material we're looking for, we expert mote and more articles, photographs, id* and suggestions from them to help imptti* The PILOT. Now-what do you think of our first issue? THE AOPA P-ILDT
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958