AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 19)
'What About AIR SPACE USE, Mr. Pyle?" CAA chief gives his views in excIU81ve interview with The AOPA PILOT short time ago Civil Aeronautics Administrator James T Pyle (AOPA 26364) sat down . with AOPA to explore informally some of the problems troubling general aviation. The discussion was tape recorded. In this exclusive interview, excerpted from the taps, Pyle gives his views on the air traffic control situation. At some time during his 43 years, the CAA Administrator hae bad experience i nearly every field of avian tion. After graduating from Princeton, Pyle was employed by P n American World Airways, first as a traffic representative at Miami and later as special assistant to the division roanager at New York. H took e time out during these years to take advanced studies i n aircraft mechanics, air transport and meteorology and to pick up his commercial pilot's license. After the war, where he served as Operations Officer in Naval Air Transport Service, Pacific Squadrons, Pyle became president of the Air Charter Company of Denver, and president of the Denver Air Terminal Corporation. From 1963 until he joined the CAA, the Administrator was special assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air. H has more than 4,000 hours logged in single and e multi-engine aircraft and has an instrument rating. The April iaaw of The AOPA PILOT contain an will interview with Pyle on CAA's plans for the future of general aviation. 1 Now, the interview: 0, Mr. Pyle, what is your view of the forecasts for increased air tram in the near future? Are we in for serious p r o b W I think all the previous forecasts are proving to be low. I believe we are going to be faced with a traffic problem much larger than the Curtia Report, we ourselves, or anybody else has Bald. We've got to anticipate this now and plan for it in thwe terms or we'll be in real trouble. MARCH, 1958
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958