AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 23)
when their trip m u ~ be cant d e d bwanm of bad wedher. Udort n ms m e have M e n OBin marua , COIW the knowledge and &ill â‚ cope with - or htrument weather without it, rather than have their p l w poil led, Too mmy times they have not lived t regret their mistakes. In a many inatanma their l i m could have been saved had they known, at h e time they were making their plans, the ?ind of weather they might expect at t a k d time. With the hope of helping in a -11 way in this a m whem the greatest h a r & to nm-profmaid pilota lie, and where m a flying d d e n t a occur, !l%e AOPA P m i~ offering a long-range M u g wmther f u W mmice with foreca8b a month or - Precedmt-setthg fwem8h Flying Weather a MONTH Ahead The f o m t i n g technique used by Krick A s s d a t a i based on the s theory that the atmosphere i an or8 derly thing; that wwther mndition~ which have e~Ishdpx&oualy wfil recur under similar atmwpheric impubea in similar WMOM. Providing made-to-measum weather forecmting semi= for clienb ia an old story to the Krick organtion. X t a climb include utility mmpaniea, manufacturing concmq motion picture producers, w* p m meters, farms, oil and g a comwiea, ~ and many 0 t h ~ . Eack i the 1930ga,D . Imhg P. n r Krkk,pwident of the bearing his name, while profasor o mete f omIogy at the California Instituh of Tedmology, was pionwring i lown range weather foreca@ting. When we entered World War I , Krick, his I Cal-Tech ~a~ m d the U, $. Amy Aix Form wanbled d available weather data from the year 1899,andmmtmeted weather map for the No E d p h e r e for each day from tbat t i i on. Study of t w remnstmcW map h F‚ tt â¬~ h WC delll~hill more h advance-never before av& by a Umivac l20 electronic computer able to pilob genemW. -out in Denver, &lo. Beginning with thh first issue, The The AOPA P~LOT teamed up has P m wilI pmmnt as a regular with Irving P. Krick h o c i a k , monthly featam the "AOPA W-#- h .of Denver t bring the weather e, a ercast.7 the name we have given t outlook featurea t ihi readem, Pero a the prembk&ing, month-in-ad- manence of the ~ervicawill depend vmce foreca&. upon its uaduhem, and the d m on tihe following two pages you o P m readera, f will fhd a aeries of five sixday Puqme of the AOPA Weakhewk wather maps which will give you an ita t h4icate general areaa where a id- of the kind o? weather t eqwt flying wnditim~ o wilJ be himmen* i all n o the muntry from (IFR)*visual (VFR),or variable, au f Mach 16 through April 1 A skkh that Iong-term p b for flights may L map h d i c a k the days you may ex- be made. It is not i n h d m l that they pect t be VFl2, and which IFR, along should relieve a piIot of the neim~iky a m*in xmk. of checking with the U. S. Weather A c h a of peqde such as flyera Bureau More he takes off on a who follow hourly weather smuenm~ flight, but it will give him a good clmely when they are getting ready idea of what the odds will be against for a llight-a~ thy &odd-may be IFR weather during c h i n wri& startled, and a bii skeptical, by the rn $ar as aix weelm i advance. n The Weathemaah shouid become thought of predicting flying weather a month i &vane However, a study more vduable as you became better n of the ny&m wed i making the acquainted with thejr bpendabilib, n AOPA Weathemaah will a m that interpretation and 8mlic~tim h Sam* the W e a t h d axe based u p n time when you want an EWUIW fop a proven wimtific principles. No croaeauntry fight why don't you gaesmork i invoked; The P ~ T ' Bmake a *?nap trip" and check the s i n weather maps follow proven dent& m t h e r you lind m d The PILOT principla. No guesswork goes into m a p ? Or indulge i armchair "map n the preparation of the weather msm ; tripam by checking the weakher only cold &enfa&, a m b e d by your trip theoretically prognsaea a M of weather ~ s h W dong its roub acma the nation? MARCH. 1958 weather b d o r :
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958