AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 36)
Chemical spra fans out behind as Dave Bum dives iis Piper PA-l8 ~ W I I an Andean hiside Yankee Duster in Latin America ell Dave Bump to take the bugs and turns for the arduous climb back Dave Bump has his ups and downs out of your mountainside farm- up the mountain. It dives again and spra@mg 2~ervendwUlar pastures in ing operations and very likely hell again, each time passing so close t o ColornbW,. "It's a terrible way do it. But you will feel less nervous the ground it could tickle a jack rabbit's ears. if you don't look. t o treat a plane," he says If you've a strong: stomach you It takes a series of dives and climbs could watch his little plane at, gay to spread a load of 2-4-D or 2-4-T 9,000 feet start a "glide"-which weed- and brush-killer on a high pasactually is a series of near-vertical ture, always working from the top T By FRANCE WEST dives with full flaps, and power offdownwards. It's your daily business. down a thousand foot slope. At the you shrug it off. However, you albottom of the pasture, at perhaps ways keep an open way out in case of 8,000 feet, the Piper PA-18 levels off an emergency or tricky a r current. i THE AOPA PILOT
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958