AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 4)
CALENDAR Ma& 13-14 -Second National Conference on Aviation Education, National Aviation Council. Hotel Mayflower, Washington, D C. . of former members of Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service who sewed in World War I. Toronto, Canada. Contact: A. F MacDonaId, deHavil. land Aircraft of Canada, Ltd., Postal Station "L", Toronto. Mirth 3 w l 1 -Reunion Performance on 22,000-mile flight! April 1 H 9 -14th Annual National Forum, American Helicopter Society. Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D c. . April 24-17 -Phoenix Spring Cruise of the Flying Physicians Association, Inc. Reservations: Valley H o Hotel, Scottsdale, Aria. Mà 3-11 -"Operation Ecstasy," Carolina Aero Club's Annual Southern Cruise. Hotel Lucerne, Miami Beach. Optional side trips to West End, Bahamas, Havana and Cuba. Cont c : John N Coffey, Box 331, at . Raleigh, N. C. Mu 4-7 4 1 s t Annual Convention of the American Association of Airport c Executives. Fresno, Calif. Hay 16-20 -Florida Air Pilots Association. 16th Annual Havana Air Cruise, Contact; James G Pace, &I0 . &E 2nd Ave,, Miami, Pla. .L Load and clear up to 1,250 miles; under certain conditions to 2,500 milea. complete. Simple to - MJ 4 Manual or Electric Antennae Reels Extra.Available ae accessory when purchasing new aircraft through Aero Commander, Helio Courier, DeHavilland (Canada), Beech, Cessna and Piper. Available i 6 or 22-Channel Models. .. n between2,000 and 10,000hca. 5-ChaaneI Direct Panel Mounting CWt. 25 l b ) , $795.00.5-Channel Remote Control fWt. 27 lha.1. $ , 9 . 0 22--Channel Remote Control ( t 36 I&), $1,895.00 1050. W. continental Air Rç£ 1558 "Powder Faff Dta-fey.^ \^Wr + a fowl Tw ~ o ~ t g Ãm a i - + §~à i piego, calif. July 8ÑYtate afc Mnnieipal Airport, Charleston, &. C . -12ai Annual ~ i l - W ~ m e n Trans- L, CHANNEL 1 tfà All prices F.O.B. Fort Laudfda)* 1 ELECTRONICS, IHC. Brewad County International Airport, Fort Lauderdale, fhh, USA You are invited to submit items for r a t i o n in The AOPA PItOT's CAtE N W Your flights, fiv-h. TOUTS, dit1 aviation meetings, reunions and conwflfions all may be fff interest to other members. Notices should cotitoin (pacific information, such w dates, location pf the emmi and t i ~ whom t~ wit* if reservation* ore wqvirgd. Be tuf* 1 write us of least six weeks be0 fore .affair is h> td(à place* Pec ~xampfe, must receive items for the we M q @ye by Mwth 15. Send them to h Editor of Tht PILOT. *
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958