AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 85)
Southwest Has Many Attractions To Offer Along shout mid-February, if yon live in northern, eastern or central U i e ntd S a e ,you started wondering whether tts the raw, disagreeable winter weather will ever end. You probably have been eyeing the sleek Bmwnza, 182, TriPacer or Aero Cmwawiwr with the idea i mind that you will go away for n a few days and enjoy Spring a few weeks ahead of time. If you have, we have the answer to your problem: Try a flight to the "Spring Sunshine Belt" of the United States, One of the most picturesque and beanttful parts of the country, the Spring Sunshine Belt-which extends roughly from central Texas, west to New Mexico, Arizona and southern California Ñoffer compelling reasons why you should spend those few days {here, The mouths of March, April and May are considered by many who live in the Spring Sunshine Belt as the most pleas ant of the year. The desert is in bloom, the air invigorating, and you learn what "ceiling and visibility unlimited" really means. The rough and ragged Southwest is not what it was back hi the days of the covered wagon, although the same breath-taking scenery that thrilled the '49'ers ia still there. The Southwest today has' added comfort and luxurious living to its natural attractions. Good weather for flying i one of the s prime reasons why AOPA'a Flight and Travel department is recoinmending the Spring Sunshine Belt for {his time of the year. The AOPA Weathercast, which is to be found on pages 24 wad 26 of this issue o f The PILOT, indicatesffiat pilots should find plenty of VFR weather in the Spring Sunshine Belt from March 16 throagh April 14. The month-inadvance flying weather forecaata predict the following for this area during that period: VFR weather i predicted for entire s B l f o March 16 to 21, inclusive, et r m except for a small area along the W s et Coast, where from 10 to 19 hours o f IFR will be experienced during the eixday period. Fort Worth and the Big Bend of Texas will have only 142 and 148 hours, respectively, of VFB weather during the 144 hours involved. Except for the Log Angela area, the private plane usually a dual purp@M: busine88 transportaturn, during the week and pleasure ftymg on the weekends and (Today's 88W68 Easter services being conducted at "Old Tucson'Ñ movie set constructed several years ago for "Afizona" new used regularly for community activities Finding interesting places t o fly, where one also can be sure of o d e v t e flying and; living acconmwdatwos, presents a real problem ₠to (heot who wishes to take the family along mi a p b r e flight. Up-to-date information on iintereating places to visit by airplane will be present& in. this aectwn each ¥oaeatio periods. month. As yw. toill tlotice, we w e fftvwlg a brief run-down on the "Spring Sunshine Belt" bettw h w n as the Southwest -in this issue. It might be a k g I e city, area, or even a continent in subsequent issues. At least it will be an inter- - eana p h ~ 6 fty. to PILOT t3 compiled with the assistance Bowser. The flight and Travel Maten'd for this section of The of AOPA's Flight d Travel department, headed by Cathwine V. ote- partment, incidw.tally, stands ready to give personal assistance to all AOPA mem,bera in cs/rran&g their flight*, both domestic cmd f o r e i g ~ . You will find a Hat of ai'rvvrts located in the S&ng Sunshine Belt at the end of the Travel dwartmemt. -Ed.) MARCH,; 1958
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958