AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958 - (Page 94)
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AIRCRAFT FOR SALE AERO COMMAMDER a l l modifications dual omni's one zero time engine. lack Adams ~ i r c r a f Sales. ~nc.', P.O. BOX 5446. Memohis t 16. Tenn., phone EX 14436. IMMEDIATE CASH. no delays for any clean make or model airplane. Contact lack h a m s Aircraft Sales. Inc.. P 0. Box 5446, Memphis 16. Tenn., Phone EK 1-44s. . AERO COMMANDER S60A. Completely eqillpcsd. Beautiful condition. Will sacrifice. Jim Robbinf Co.. 130 Stephenson Highway, Royal Oak, Mich. AERO COMMANDER, $%,900,, Model 530. Serial No. 31, beautiful new custom interior, new pertodic Inspect!on BELLXNCA CBUISEMASTER demonstrator-red and white beauty, EOO hrs,, fully Instrumented. Price originally $17,500. Deep discount. Will trade, terms. Geo. H. Williams, 1520 N. Grand, Spencer, Iowa. Phone: 2265. CESSHA 195. 1548, 950 hours TT, 350 since TOM. New oaint, 300 h . ~ , Jacobs. Full panel, AOF omni standby VHF. $6950. William Darling, 3S51 ~auffman &ad, Stow, Akron, 0. Phone: Overdale 8-3860. CESSNA 141. 1948, 90 h.p. G. E. raifio, H 1543. SMO IMMEDIATE CASH, no delays, for any clean make or mode4 airntane. Contact jack Auams Aircraft Sales, Inc., P. 0. B o i 5416, Memphis 16, Terra,, Phone EX 1-4436. 750. R. H. Woodard. 2520 Carl Lane, B i I l i n ~ s , Mont. CALLAIR A 4 1956. Permanent license 150 h.p. Lycoming, fully aerobaiic. 2-3 place, TT 140 hours, radio. Auxiliary tank. Perfect condition. $6,000. Will consider PA-11 i n trade. Anchoraee delivery. WI I te airmail. Box 1913, Anchorage, Alaska, . IMMEDIATE CASH no delays for any clean make or model airplane. contact lack Adam5 Aircraft Sales, ldc., P. 0. Box 5446, Memphis 16. Tenn.. Plume E X 14436. CESSNA. I n immaculate condition just relicensed. W SMOH. Recovered September 1956'. VHF and LF rsdio, interior beautifully upholstered. Other extras. $2250. Contact A. Hoffberg, 4770 Madre Mesa, Las Vegas, Nev. Or phone DU 2-3057. AERDNCA SEDAN 4-pass. 1949. 258 hours TT. Like new. VHF. Heavy engine. Licensed to Dec. 1958. Always hangared. Real deal. $3700. A. W. Simpson, P. 0. BOB 264, Altus. Okia. CESSMA CESSNA 110 1956. Always hangared, like new finish. 330 haws, h. on aif frame and engine, Safe Fli h t Soeed Control system, Lear L. T. 5 Omniscope V ~ F , L / F Radio blind (iyimc panel cross wind ear new tires full check of radio and 'engine every ~ O Ohours, full '56 rnollificationsÑtll500 F. A. F. Nebraska Ci Neb. Will accept trade aeroplane or car. Ramaccioxi' Realty & Development Go,, Inc., First Ave., Nebraska City, Neb. IMMEDIATE CASH na delays for any clean make or model airplane. contact Jack Adams Aircraft Sales, Inc., P. 0 , Bun 5446, Memphis 16, Tenn., Phone EX 1.4435. 1956. Serial No. 35264, S03 TTA&E. Cont. M" engines largo generators, L-2 autotitot w/hltitude Control & Approach. Coupler ARC 15-0 Omni. ARC T.11B VHF Transmitter, LVTR-36 VHF transceiver. ADF-120 R-69 glide path and lear 2200, 3 light MB receivers. Fiite-Tronics Audio Amfiiifier. Safe flight speed control. O w e n w/automatic altitude control, Drop anticers, ice light, dual brakes, recording hour meter, dual landing lights, nose taxi light, rotating beacon grounil service plug, immaculate inside and out. Blue 'w/white trim, harmonizing blue and M i t e interior. Licensed to November, 1958. $44 900 or $48,000 with 0 SMOH ensines. Combs ~ i r c r a f i . IAc., Dent. U, Stapleton Airfield, Denver, Coto. Phone Oudley B-2471. CESSNA ;TO, 240 h.p. BEECHCRAFT C-35 BONANZA 350 SMOH APC gyro hnfizofl electric T & B, Omnlmeter, AOF, 2 7 channel ~ i m p l e x & , heated p i t o t Arcon, 50A generator, high speed gear-flap extension flares rotatin beacon 20 al aux oxygen air conditioner, t'10.500. tampbeit' ~ e a t i i g~ * m m r y , 3121 Dean Ave.. Oes Maines 17, la. BONANZA, $6,340 Model 35, Serial No,. D-460, automatic prop control full gyros Narto ornni 680 hours on rema~iiifactured engine. Jack h a m s ~ i r c r a f tSales Inc., P.O. Box 5416. Memphis 16, Tenn., phone EX 1436. BONAUZA 35 $5860 with G Model red black and white paint scheme, L'ear 'LTRA-6 and ~ i t c h k l iVHF low freqiwicy and omni. new periodic. lack Adams Aircraft Sales, Inc., P.O. Box 5445. Memphis 16, Tenn., phone E X 1-4436. TWIN BONANZA $83700. immaculate. like new supercharged €- l i s t rice $103,760. 7 place configuration. beautifull equipped, a tremendous savings. Jack Adams Aircraft tales, inc.. P.O. Box 5446. Memohis IS, Ten"., phone EX 14436. C-1IS T W I N BEECHCRAFT Hew license new paint many extras, $9750. Russ ~ o t t s , 'CR 42620, phoenix, ~ri;.' BONANZA MODEL 35. Wf VHF full panel am. tank clean. 950 SMOH 205 hp.' Licensed to ~ o i e m b e r 19%; $6500. M. W. Park. 444 Batter? Street, San Francisco, Calif. B O N 4 U U B-35. 650 hours, 205-11 engine. Complete blind group. Ornni, electric prop governor. Excellent rnterior and exterior. Write for details. lae Everling, Route 3, Airport Road, Binghampton, N. Y. IS57 CESSNA W . Full panel ADF-l2E, 27 channel Omnieator, Heated pitot, Dual controls, 106 hours total time, like new. J13.250. M. E. Kudlak, Erie Airways. Inc., Port Erie Atrport. Erie, Pa. 1355 CESSNA I t . 385 hours TT Full anel, Superhomer, always hangare& excellent condition. 89.53. john Wood, 7825 West Hampden, Morrison, Colo. CESSUA 310. Late 1955, Serial No. 35204, 332 SMOH both engines, 994 TTA-L-2 autootlot, Approach couplcr anil altitude control (deluie heafl) A R C 1 5 - D Ornni, w h e w deluxe head ARC T-11 transmitter LVTR-35. R-89 shoe slope rece'iver. Extras include prop'sntMcers, oxygen w/automatic altitude control, rotating beacon. One corporate owner. Always hangared. Exceptionally well maintained, all bulletins complled with, licensed to October 19?, 537.500. Combs Aircraft, Inc., Dept. K, Stapleton Airfield Oenver, Colo. Phone Dudley 8-2471. CESSMA 160, I%, Serial No. 32262, 5SO TTAiE, full gyro, Omnigator 27-Channel simplexer. LFR-3, flares, heated pitot, wheel pants trimmed i n yellow and black w/matching interior. Licensed through March 1958, $9.650. Combs Aircraft, tnc.. Dept. K, Slapleton h i f i e l d , Denver, Cold., phone Dudley 8-2471. C E S S W HI, ?7. Serial No. 33921. 560 TTA&E. LTRA-6, Ornnimeter, large generator, globe autopilot, nav, flasher, rotating beacon, coral and grap interior, black and cream trimmed exterior. One owner, exceptionally well rnaintamed aircraft. Licensed through November, 1968. $12,650. Combs Aircraft Inc., Dept. K. Stapletan Airfield, Denver, Cola., phone Dudley 8-2471. CESSNA UC-78, Four hundred thirty hours on engines, fresh annual. Fabric t i p top condition, f u l l panel. ADF, new naugahyde interior. All bulletins complled with perfect spar. This airplane i n absolutely perfect condition. Price, four thousand dollars, Liberty Aviation, Tamiami Airoort. Miami. Fla. Phone Canal 1-01121-0117. CESSNA 1%. 275 to 1000 hrs. total time 50 since major. Has everything except autopilot. mest 1% i n Middie West. $11 500. Jack A. Clark, 0 1 8 University Ave., Des Moines 11, Iowa. CESSNA 140, 1947 metal wings VHF LF omni. Perfect . 9366, Tulsa, cunditlon. $3200. George ~ u i i i v ~ nh'., B ~ K Okia. CESSNA 182. $8,SBO, immaculate, Serial. No. 33@. f u l l Lear ADF Narco Superhomer single axis auto- grl? 385 total hours. lack A d a m Aircraft Sales C II,. b.0. 'BOX 5446, Mempllis 16, Ttnn., phone EX 1436. BONANZA C-35, 1951, Ser. #D-3125, 3)5 h.p. Cont. en. gire, Beech metal constant Speed prop, 1820 TTAhE, 10M since Spartan MOH LTRA-5;OMINSCOPE, ADF-12, f u l l giro, Electric Primer, flares, aircondttinner. shoulder harnesses, yellow w/red trim, fine shape, had encelient maintenance. Licensed through June. 1858, $8,500. With 0-time engine, $10.200. Combs Aircraft. Inc., Oetrt. K, Stapleton Airfield, Oewer, Colo. Phone Dudley 8-2471. BONANZA H-35. White and blue fully equipped. Fifty hours with new aircraft warranty. Sell or lease. Executive Aircraft, Lovell Field, Chattanooga. Tenn. CESSNA 172. $6.340. 1957 model. new periodic. total time 900 hours f u l l gyros Narco Suoerhomer. Jack Atiams Aircraft iates, I n t . , P.0. Box 5M6. Memphis 16, Tenn., phone EX 1-4436. CESSNA 12U. Full electric, sensitive altimeter, turn and bank. Kate of climb, heavy tail wheel spring and pneumatic t a i l wheel. Forward blocks, narco UTLRI radio, heavy duty elevator conversion. Very clean inside and out. Oate Falser, 203 So. Elm, Kimball, Nth. Phone 5-Z541. CCSSNt 14Ws a l l metal, 5 available. 1960 #RGZU/CP. has 300 hours SMOH. Metal propeiler, Primary blind. CESSNA 112, instruments, radio, v e clean, low time ~ $7.395. Telephane: Mutual 1-3701, Ed Brown. Btn 1%; Farminedate, N. I. CESSNh 112. $6,125 1956 model. 595 total hours, f u l l gyros Narco Su erhomer lack Adams Aircraft Sales Inc., P.O. Ben emp phis 16, Tenn., phoitt EX 1-4436: 5446, VHF Superhomer, omniranee, clean. Relicensed January. $3300. Powers and George, 475 Fifth Avenue. New York 17, N. Y. TWIN BONANZA D-50 Demo. 215 hours TT, Twin-Bonanza C-50 XLNT, low time. D-1BS Twin Beech, overhauled engine and ptops. Cessna 182 1956 TT 225 hours, fully equinped. Lockheed MA. hÈdfom~tics fresh license thirteen seats. Bonanzas-35 models thru IS57 demos. Lease plan available, write for details. The Norman Larson Ca., Beechcraft Distributor, Van Nuys Airport, Van NUTS. Calif. Phone State 6-1410. IMMEDIATE CASH, no (felays. for any clean make or model airclafle. Contact lack M a n s Aircraft Sales Inc., P. 0. Box 5446 Memphis 16. Tenn., Phone EX 1-&36. beautiful 1954 Leaf Omnimeter, Narco ~uperkumer (ear AOF-I2 full' gyro panel dual VHF transmitters. '550 hours on new engine. Jack h a m s Aircraft Sales fnc.. P.O. Box 5446, Memphls 16, Taw,, phone EX 1 4 3 6 . CESSNA 191 W.389 exceptional 1550 Serial No 7578 r& Leaf ~ m n i n i t e r . 12 channel transmitier. ARC ceiver ARC low frequency receiver a beautiful airplane. Jack Adams Aircraft Sales Inc., P.O. Box 5446, Memphis 16, Tenn., phone EX 1-443S. CESSNA tM $7 680 CESSNA 1YOA1s-B'l: 21 from $4185, 1949 painted 170h. #TQRF/AP, has 2% hours SMOH. Pants, gyro
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958
Legally Speaking
What About Airspace Use, Mr. Pyle?
10,000 Seconds Under the Hood
Flying Weather One Month Ahead
AOPA Weathercast
AOPA 185579
Air-Age Teenagers Give City a Lift
Your Radio and You
Operation Cost Cut
Put Your Fabric to the Test
Are You "Compasss Punchy?
Yankee Duster in Latin America
South American Challenge
I Lived Through a Graveyard Spiral
Safety Corner and Accident Report
On the Airways
What's New?
Classified Department
AOPA Pilot Magazine - March 1958