P&E OWNERSHIP short person, I prefer shoulder straps that actually stay on my shoulders. The threepoint harness in my flight school’s Piper Archer had a tendency to try to throttle me during cruise flight. AmSafe, a longtime manufacturer of restraints and a recent entrant into the airbag seat belt market, designs the B.A.S. system. It can be purchased as an STC’d retrofit for the PA–28, –32, and –34 series. At a base price of $1,185 for two front-seat harnesses with utility buckles, the B.A.S. 78 | AOPA PILOT November 2012http://www.SagetechCorp.com/AOPA http://www.SagetechCorp.com/AOPA http://www.cubcrafters.com http://www.wirelessaviationheadsets.com http://www.wirelessaviationheadsets.com