PROFICIENCY & EFFICIENCY 83 OWNERSHIP 86 AVIONICS 89 EFFICIENCY 92 NEVER AGAIN 95 FRUGAL FLIER GWS VIEW THE Elevation: 5,916 feet CTAF: 123.0 Runway 14/32: 3,305 feet by 50 feet FLY ALONG WITH AUTHOR VIDEO Al Marsh as he shoots approaches at Glenwood Springs Municipal Airport (GWS). Toughest airports in America Learn how to land with tailwinds and steal lift from ridges B Y A LTO N K . M A R S H “JUST DON’T GET A MAIN WHEEL in the gravel,” mountain training instructor Gary Kraft said. He directed me to perch his Cessna 172 on the very end of the 3,305-foot paved runway as I turned to line up with the centerline. He wasn’t happy with the direction of ALTON MARSH 76 | AOPA PILOT January 2013