cally inserted the transition fix THS and chose airways V297, V10 and V6 for the route continuing from JST. In another example using the same departure and destination, we submit the route “AXQ *A” where AXQ is an airport. VOR or high-altitude intersection fixes; automatic routing from airports into the jet route system is not performed due to variances in climb capabilities of aircraft and air traffic control system routing requirements. If an airport is specified adjacent to “*A”, automatic routing will be performed to an intersection or VOR near the airport. In this case the route that was generated by the flight planner is: AXQ VOLAN V10 YNG V6 STUKL Notice that the flight planner route is direct to AXQ and then uses airways to continue the route as requested by the “*A”. Automatic routing via a combination of direct VOR-toVOR paths plus low-altitude airways may be specified by “*V”. Note that most of the route segments in a VORDirect plan are likely to be Victor airways, since there are Victor airways between most VORs which are within reception range of one another. Direct paths between two VORs will be chosen only when the VORs are within reception range of each other given standard navaid service volumes and when the direct route would be shorter than an airway routing. Note that terrain and restrictions on usability of VORs is not taken into account. If an airport is specified adjacent to “*V”, automatic routing will be performed to an intersection or VOR near the airport. Automatic routing via a great-circle (direct) course with intermediate fixes may be specified by “*G” or “*R”. The intermediate fixes are defined in terms of latitude/longitude and in terms of radial/distance coordinates from nearby VORs.“*G” (great-circle) is designed for use with GPS equipment and does not do slant range compensation on the distances; “*R” does slant range compensation for VOR/ DME-based RNAV units. If we entered “AXQ *G” for the KIAD to KCLE example, the route that is generated by the flight planner is: AXQ YNG CXR180009 where the In the above example, direct routing was used to the first element in the route. If the user wanted to use airways to the airport instead of direct then they would enter “*A AXQ *A” generated waypoint CXR180009 is a fix/radial/distance, which would be 180 degree radial, 9 nm from CXR. DUATS...Still the Fastest way into the Air and Still Free!! and the flight planner would generate the route: MRB V501 THS V469 JST V297 TALLS AXQ VOLAN V10 YNG V6 STUKL. Notice that airways have been used to and from the airport AXQ. Automatic routing via the jet routes may be specified by “*J”. Jet airway routing must be requested between Data Line: 800-767-9989 Tech Support: 800-345-3828 press number 4 FAX: 703-818-4723 Secure Web: Mobile: