IF YOU EVER HAVE A CLAIM, WE WON'T LEAVE YOU HANGING. For over 50 years, Avemco Insurance Company has earned a reputation for our desire to resolve claims fairly and quickly, not our ability to wiggle out of them. We'll pay your covered claim even if it's pilot error. Even if you violate an FAR. Even if your medical, annual or flight review accidentally expires mid-term. Call us. We'll be here for you, now and always. Call ( 800) 276 5208 or visit Avemco.com/Pilot Get a personal quote and get a free hat. *Not all coverages or products may be available in all jurisdictions. The description of coverage in these pages is for information purposes only. Actual coverages will vary based on local law requirements and the terms and conditions of the policy issued. The information described herein does not amend, or otherwise affect, the terms and conditions of any insurance policy issued by Avemco®. In the event that a policy is inconsistent with the information described herein, the language of the policy will take precedence. Free hat offer not available in New Mexico. A subsidiary of HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. ADS0124 (11/13) Avemco.com/Pilothttp://www.Avemco.com/Pilot http://www.Avemco.com/Pilot http://www.Avemco.com/Pilot