THE TERMINAL BUILDING (facing page) has been only slightly modified in the 75 years since it was built. The terminal building lobby (above) features numerous displays of artifacts from the airport's history, while also providing comfortable seating for today's waiting passengers. A four-by-12-foot mural (below) celebrates the first commercial passenger DC-3 to land at the newly opened airport in 1946. rescued and received as a heroine. In 1938, Wheeling native Joan Stifel was taught to fly by famous instructors Max Constert and Tex Rankin. She became so well known as an accomplished and adventurous pilot, the Ohio County Airport was initially called Stifel Field. There is much more to see in this gem of a terminal building, waiting patiently for you on a hill in northern West Virginia. It's worth the trip to spend a few hours soaking in the history of the building, the city of Wheeling, and the early days of aviation in America. EMAIL AOPA PILOT | 45