WHAT'S ONLINE On your screen Take your reading experience beyond these pages / aopa.org/pilot View the video These and other videos can be accessed in the AOPA Pilot Enhanced Digital Edition and on YouTube. aopa.org/digitaleditions BENTONVILLE'S SECRET A welcoming airport community, spectacular backcountry flying, world-class mountain bike trails, and internationally recognized art museums are waiting for pilots exploring this Arkansas town. aopa.org/pilot/bentonville REMEMBERING 9/11 We mark the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 with stories from pilots who were flying that day and AOPA staff who worked to get GA pilots back in the air. aopa.org/pilot/911anniversary THIS WEEK IN AVIATION Stay up to date with the latest news from the general aviation community in AOPA Live This Week. aopa.org/thisweek THE CROWN JEWEL With sales topping 6,500 airplanes, King Airs continue to dominate the twin turboprop market. Not wanting to rest on its laurels, the company introduced the Innovative Solutions & Support ThrustSense autothrottle system. aopa.org/pilot/thrustsense 6 AOPA PILOT / September 2021http://www.aopa.org/pilot http://www.aopa.org/digitaleditions http://www.aopa.org/pilot/bentonville http://www.aopa.org/thisweek http://www.aopa.org/pilot/911anniversary http://www.aopa.org/pilot/thrustsense