WHAT'S ONLINE On your screen Take your reading experience beyond these pages / aopa.org/pilot View the video These and other videos can be accessed in the AOPA Pilot Enhanced Digital Edition and on YouTube. aopa.org/digitaleditions IT TAKES A VILLAGE A story about an owner whose idea of a perfect airplane started with a total wreck, and who then restored it with the help of friends, family, and one capable A&P. aopa.org/pilot/coleman VALLEY OF EXTREMES Death Valley's Stovepipe Wells Airport is the entryway to the hottest, driest, and lowest place on Earth. Even though it's not too far off the beaten path, visitors need to prepare carefully for the challenging environment. aopa.org/pilot/stovepipewells AOPA PODCASTS HANGAR TALK Hear the story behind the story from incredible pilots, policy makers, and the people who make flying great. aopa.org/podcasts DETECTORISTS Think finding treasure in the grounds of mid-Atlantic battlefields and flying above them have nothing in common? Think again. Small aircraft and their ability to land on grass strips can greatly support metal detecting. aopa.org/pilot/detectorists 6 AOPA PILOT / October 2021http://www.aopa.org/pilot http://www.aopa.org/digitaleditions http://www.aopa.org/pilot/coleman http://www.aopa.org/pilot/stovepipewells http://www.aopa.org/podcasts http://www.aopa.org/pilot/detectorists