WHAT'S ONLINE On your screen Take your reading experience beyond these pages / aopa.org/pilot View the video These and other videos can be accessed in the AOPA Pilot Digital Edition and on YouTube. aopa.org/digitaleditions BUNTING'S SUMMER CAMP Pilots wanting to build time have the opportunity to tow banners, fly sightseeing tours, or fly crop dusting missions along Maryland's Eastern Shore for this family business. aopa.org/pilot/buntings GO BANANASSSSSSSSS Joe Costanza (aka @bananasssssssss) turned his photographs and videos- shot from and with his Cub-into an Instagram sensation. aopa.org/pilot/bananas 6 AOPA PILOT / July 2023 AOPA PILOT VIDEO Stay up to date with the latest news from the general aviation community in AOPA Pilot Video. aopa.org/pilotvideo WHICH IS BETTER? Testing the mettle of the AOPA Sweepstakes Cessna 170B with a fly-off. How does it compare to a Piper Super Cub? aopa.org/pilot/sweepsflyoffhttp://www.aopa.org/pilot http://www.aopa.org/digitaleditions http://www.aopa.org/pilot/buntings http://www.aopa.org/pilotvideo http://www.aopa.org/pilot/bananas http://www.aopa.org/pilot/sweepsflyoff