Some model views of forecast variables for the same hour, clockwise from top left: CAPE (warmer shades indicate higher instability, so this model view isn't as aggressive as the others in predicting convection); forecast surface analysis; a High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR-updated hourly) prediction of " future radar " imagery; PWAT (darker shades show higher atmospheric water content); Lifted Condensation Level (red and purple shades are low cloud layers). PARTNER PROV IDED CONTENT / Avoid Convective Weather and Protect 'Precious Cargo' National Association of Flight Instructors Board Member, CFI, and STEM advocate Dr. Victor Vogel has flown his Cirrus SR22 coast to coast. From lessons learned on those crosscountry flights, he teaches pilots to use SiriusXM Aviation to avoid convective difficulty. Hear him discuss one of those flights and how he used SiriusXM Aviation to successfully track an August storm with his granddaughters aboard by visiting AOPA PILOT / July 2023 85