Enjoy these show specials from AOPA and our partners while you're at EAA AirVenture. AOPA Member Services AOPA members receive $85 off Aero-Space Report's $190 aircraft title package. www.aerospacereports.com/services Visit us in Hangar A, Booth 1022 for Show Specials & Promotions! Visit our website: www.aircraftspruce.com Visit AOPA on site & get Get $10 off your membership (and a special gift) when you join or renew on automatic annual renewal. AOPA Travel Discounts Shop our full store online & use code SPECIALOSH23 for free ground shipping to your home! Offer ends 8/18/23 (Pilot Guides excluded, shipping to continental US only). AOPA Members - Visit Booth 459 for aviation insurance savings details and gift! While supplies last. Get exclusive AOPA Member discounts on car rentals and hotel stays with our travel partners. www.aopa.org/travel Stop by our Booth 322 and claim your free Blackhawk notebook! | $50 off every pair of senders purchased between 7/1-8/31/2023. PROMO CODE: AOPASUMMER23 | Booth 3119 King Schools training products for AOPA Members Booth 2138 - Private Pilot: KingSchools.com/AOPAFT Instrument: KingSchools.com/AOPAIFR Limited time $300 rebate & 3-month trial with Garmin GDL® 52 portable weather receiver. Fly home with SiriusXM! | Booth 371 purchasing a Sporty's PJ2+ or L6 com radio (valid 7/24-7/30) | Booth 260 Save $30 off the retail price when /30) | B r tail price w y's PJ2+ o Change your summer view! AOPA members - Buy two AV-30's, get an AV-Mag on us! | Booth 3081http://www.aerospacereports.com/services http://www.aircraftspruce.com http://www.aopa.org/travel http://www.KingSchools.com/AOPAFT http://www.KingSchools.com/AOPAIFR