ROUTINE TAKEOFF. 3,000 FEET AND CLIMBING. TOTAL HYDRAULIC FAILURE. Mike Kennedy Learjet Captain SIMCOM Customer I was ready. “What could have been a very diffi cult situation was not an issue at all.” “I was departing LAX and shortly after takeoff, I lost all hydraulic pressure. It could have been a bad situation, but ended up not being an issue at all. We had practiced that exact scenario several times in the simulator. Thanks to SIMCOM, it really wasn’t a problem.” VALUE. PERSONALIZED. FRIENDLY. Watch the video of Mike Kennedy describing his in-fl ight experience at At SIMCOM, training is not just about “checking the box.” It’s about preparing pilots for real world fl ight operations. Visit SIMCOM’s website at 866.272.2760 © 2012 SIMCOM Training Centers. All rights reserved.