| TURBINE PILOT | LE GA AR RM JE IN TS to t he Lea rjet 70 and 75 / Learjet Bombardier is promising big things from its division in 2013. Its new, composite-fuselage Learjet 85 is set to begin deliveries and this is a big milestone. The 3,000-nm, Mach 0.82 eight-to-10 seater has its various com- TH E The Vis ion Flig ht D eck com es ponents built among several Bombardier facilities—among them the recently built facility in Querétaro, Mexico. Final assembly, and paint and interior completions, will take place at Learjet’s tradi- 70/ 75 HO RN E www.aopa.org/pilot AOPA PILOT | T-7 tional home in Wichita. But Lear 85s won’t be the only new airplanes rolling out the factory doors. At the European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE) in June 2012, Bombardier announced it was doing away with its Learjet 40XR and 45XR models and replacing them with two new derivative designs—the Learjets 70 and 75. Shortly thereafter came the news that the 2,400-nm Learjet 60 would get the axe, with its replacement presumably the Learjet 85. P H OT O G R A P H Y C O U R T E S Y O F B O M B A R D I E R BY TH OM AS A.http://www.aopa.org/pilot