AOPA PILOT CONTENTS December 2012 28 T–10 TURBINE PILOT T–2 Quick Look Beechjet 400. COMMENTARY 4 President’s Position The gift of giving. DEPARTMENTS 10 Visual Approach Radial thunder. 16 Waypoints MEMS and more to the rescue. 12 Letters Secret Mission. PROFICIENCY & EFFICIENCY 76 Ownership Tube and fabric 101. 18 Proficient Pilot True confessions. 108 Fly by Wire Index of advertisers. 20 Foundation Focus Are you in the fight? 112 Pilots Ramona Cox. T–4 Art of the Start Spooling up on spool-up. 81 Proficiency Safeguarding the skies. 22 License to Learn Everybody wins. T–8 Mentor Matters Keeping an eye on the autopilot. 86 Technique In-flight planning. 24 Pilot Counsel Flight and ground visibility. T–10 Silver Eagle A Cessna 210 plus a gas turbine engine. 88 Avionics Improve your FlyQ. 26 Fly Well The man in the mirror. SECTIONS PILOT BRIEFING 28 An aerial perspective The art of Michael Collier. 94 Never Again Music in the night. MEMBERSHIP NEWS & NOTES 98 Membership Aviation superstore partners with AOPA. The new electronic flight bag from AOPA. IMPROVE YOUR FLYQ 88 30 AOPA Sweepstakes D’Shannon do-over. 32 Youth Central Florida Aerospace Academy. 100 Member Products Your ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card. 102 State and Local Action What does the future hold? SILVER EAGLE. A Cessna 210 plus a gas 34 Milestones Air Force birthplace gets attention. 104 AOPA Foundation Hat in the Ring honorees. 36 AOPA Action Report from the field. turbine engine equals a super climber, as Senior Editor Alton K. Marsh discovers in “Silver Eagle: Golden Performer,” which begins on page T–10. Photography in Wichita by Mike Fizer. 106 AOPA Insurance Services Understanding the dangers of an understated hull. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. 39 Test Pilot Tuskegee Airmen. Contact us at 800-USA-AOPA (872-2672) 2 | AOPA PILOT December 2012