IFR DEPARTURE. CATASTROPHIC ENGINE FAILURE AND FIRE AT 800 FEET. ONE CHANCE TO GET IT RIGHT. Gavin Gravois Gavi Gravoi Gavin Gravois rav Piper Nava Pipe Navajo orporate Pilot Pipe Navajo Corporate Pi ot Piper Navajo Corporate Pilot per vaj il SIMCOM Customer SIMC SIMCOM Custome SIMCOM Customer MCO ust stome “I’m “I’m alive today and so are my passengers because of th the training I received at SIMCOM.” VALUE. PERSONALIZED. FRIENDLY . “Go “Got the prop feathered, the engine secured, the fire extinguished and an completed a successful instrument approach back to the airport. We had practiced this exact scenario during my most ai recent piston-twin training at SIMCOM. No way I would have re been properly prepared for this if I had trained in the actual be airplane airplane instead of the simulator at SIMCOM.” W Watch the video of Gavin Gravois describing his in-flight experience at simulator.com. h 866.272.2760 © 2013 SIMCOM Training Centers. All rights reserved. At SIMCOM, training is not just about “checking the box.” It’s about preparing pilots for real world flight operations. Visit SIMCOM’s website at simulator.comhttp://www.simulator.com http://www.simulator.com http://www.simulator.com