WHEN IT COMES TO AIRCRAFT FINANCING, CONTACT US. WE KNOW YOUR OPTIONS. Ranging from a pilot's first single engine piston, to a turbine aircraft for his successful business, AOPA Aviation Finance has created a network of lenders that can provide a variety of financing options for many types of aircraft. We will take the time to understand your needs and make sure you know all of your options which can result in money and time saved. A segment of our lenders specialize in turbine loans and with these trusted relationships we are able to secure options not directly available to the general public. We would like the opportunity to discuss your specific situation and how we can get you the most competitive rates and terms. Please call one of our knowledgeable aviation loan specialists today at 1-800-62-PLANE (75263) or visit us on the web at aopafinance.com. We help AOPA members find an easier path to aircraft ownership by offering: - Quick Decisions - Low Rates - Flexible Terms - Support for General Aviation aopafinance.com * 1-800-62-PLANE (75263) * 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701http://www.aopafinance.com http://www.aopafinance.com http://www.aopafinance.com