AOPA PILOT CONTENTS T-6 March 2015 SECTIONS 80 42 News Air Shepherd targets poachers. 43 Milestones Over the Poles. PROFICIENCY & EFFICIENCY 80 Wx Watch PILOT BRIEFING Lessons from Roselawn. 24 Diamond DA50 85 Ownership Turboprop enters flight testing. 26 Awards 89 Proficiency Endeavor Awards back for second year. TURBINE PILOT T-2 Quick Look T-10 The King of Speed Citation Bravo. Flying the Citation X+. T-6 Turbine Profile How did I get here? 91 Dogfight 27 AOPA News Baker honored in Hollywood. 28 Budget Buy 30 2015 Sweepstakes Reimagined 152 flies south. COMMENTARY DEPARTMENTS 4 President's Position 10 Letters Cub effect. 14 Waypoints Not so alone. 16 Proficient Pilot Oops! 18 Above and Beyond The front lines. 20 License to Learn Centerline zealot. 108 Fly by Wire Index of advertisers. 109 Tips from PIC Practical weather tips. 112 Pilots Dawn Seymour. 32 Chart Challenge Check your radiation shields. 34 Test Pilot 96 AOPA Advocacy You make a difference. 98 AOPA Action AOPA to DOT: Time to act on medical reform. Terrafugia requests weight increases. 102 AOPA Foundation 38 Saving Airports Burning the mortgage. Could you handle a survival situation? 40 LSA News 104 Products and Services 22 Fly Well 41 News Looking out for you. 106 Aviation Finance Two aircraft ditch in Pacific. NewsChopper 4 Enstrom is Back REPORTING FROM THE AIR TURBINE EDITION WELCOME BACK, COPTER The Voice of General Aviation SAFETY PILOT LANDMARK ACCCIDENT | March 2015 | $6.95 March 2015 AOPA FLY-INS NEW REGIONAL EVENTS p. 34 Cessna Citation X+ | Enstrom Helicopter | NewsChopper 4 TEST PILOT Speeding up aircraft loans. Rejected Takeoff DATES AND LOCATIONS ANNOUNCED Mach Machine Cessna Citation X+ Fastest bizjet to date Above Hawaii MACH MACHINE The fastest bizjet to date-that's what Cessna says about its Citation X+. Cyrus Sigari flew the jet to find out how fast is really fast. Read his findings in "The King of Speed," which begins on page T-10. Photograph courtesy of Cessna. AMAZING AERIAL IMAGES p. 64 Making Waves Lightening holes. MEMBERSHIP NEWS & NOTES 100 AOPA Action 36 News Drones aren't new. 34 92 Never Again Action in the states. Lightening holes. Belgium firm offers Light Sport engine. Prostate cancer. Making training relevant. Tumble on the ridge. Second car. The business of aviation. Diesels on the cusp. IHEART CEO LOVES TO FLY p. T-6 Contact us at 800-USA-AOPA (872-2672) 2 | AOPA PILOT March 2015