AV I AT I O N N E W P R O F L I G H T S E R I E S 2 AV I AT I O N H E A D S E T A 2 0 AV I AT I O N H E A D S E T L I M I T E D -T I M E O F F E R Get a free portable Bose SoundLink Mini II with your Bose aviation headset purchase. This spring, get a free portable Bose SoundLink Mini II Special Edition - a $179.95 value - when you purchase a Bose A20 or ProFlight Series 2 Aviation Headset. Get 10% off each additional A20 or ProFlight Series 2 headset purchased. Get yours soon - this offer ends April 25. Get yours at Bose.com/Aviation. Connect with us @BoseAviation ©2020 Bose Corporation. All rights reserved. Offer valid 03/29/20-04/25/20. Offer not to be combined with other offers or applied to previous purchases, and is subject to change without notice. 10% discount offer only valid for purchases made as part of the same transaction. Discount to be applied to the aviation headset with the lower AMRP. Only one Bose SoundLink Mini II Special Edition per transaction. Risk-free refers to 30-day trial only, requires product purchase and does not include return shipping. Delivery is subject to product availability. Purchases must be made from Bose or from a Bose authorized dealer at full retail price. Offer is valid in the U.S. and Canada only, and a U.S. or Canada shipping address is required. 50690_SpringPromo2020_AOPAPilot.indd 1 3/17/20 8:13 AM Client: Bose - Aviation Ad Title: Spring Promo 2020 Filename/Path: /Volumes/GoogleDrive/Shared drives/Bose 2019/_Aviation/50690 Spring Promo 2020 /02 CREATIVE/04 FINAL FILES/4c Ads/50690_SpringPromo2020_AOPAPilot.indd Publication: AOPA Pilot - Digital Edition Trim: 8.125" x 10.875" * Bleed: 8.375" x 11.25" * Live: 7.625" x 10.375"http://www.Bose.com/Aviation http://www.BOSE.COM/AVIATION