BRIEFING CURRENT AFFA IRS / The devastation in California Aviation helping with fire disaster BY JULIE SUMMERS WALKER Various remarkable and capable aircraft and their skilled pilots helped defeat wildfires. Sikorsky S-70i 32 AOPA PILOT / March 2025 FOR MORE THAN 140 years, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (affectionately known as Cal Fire) has protected and rescued California land and its residents from the devastation caused by wildfires. Cal Fire's fleet of more than 60 fixedand rotary-wing aircraft make it the largest civil aerial firefighting fleet in the world. These aircraft, pilots, and aviation support staff are located throughout the state at 14 air tanker bases, 10 Cal Fire helicopter bases, and the San Diego County Sheriff's helitack base. The recent wildfires in Los Angeles and Ventura counties are some of the worst fires Cal Fire has been called upon to defeat. Using Grumman S-2T airtankers, Bell UH-1H Super Huey helicopters, Sikorsky S-70i helicopters, North American OV-10 Bronco air tactical aircraft, ABOVE: GETTY; LEFT: CAL FIRE