LOCKWOOD A IRCAM / EAGLE EYES BY GREG ANDERSON FROM HIGH ATOP a craggy, white pine beside a northern Wisconsin lake, a bald eagle surveys his domain. He spreads his wings and pushes off into the summer breeze, gliding over rippling blue waters and ruffled green treetops. He is lord of this remote lake and any other he might visit. Flying over the opposite shoreline a quarter mile away with my brotherin-law, I make out the bird's six-foot wingspan etched against the sky. Losing his silhouette against the tree line, I smile to myself, knowing he spotted us in our open cockpit and the one-inch letters on my cap that spell " AIR CAM. " PHOTOGRAPHY BY JIM KOEPNICK 78 AOPA PILOT / March 2025 P f e r s p e t c i v e s r o m a n o p e o n c c k p i t *