2014 OT Practice Buyer's Guide - (Page BG-12)

Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc. PO Box 257 Comptche, CA 95427 707-937-0518 (fax) 707-937-2546 info@wildirismedical.com www.therapyceu.com Ann Johnson, Chief Executive Officer Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc. offers high-quality continuing education courses online, including state-required CE and rotating free ones. We are an approved provider of continuing education by AOTA, Provider #3313. Courses are accepted by the NBCOT Certificate Renewal program.www.therapyceu. com. Other professions: www.wildiris medicaleducation.com WPS 625 Alaska Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 800-648-8857 424-201-8800 (fax) 424-201-6950 courses@wpspublish.com www.wpspublish.com Melissa PreJean, Manager, Professional Development and Training Yoga-Yingo 1220 N Farrell Street Gilbert, AZ 85233 480-633-7199 (fax) 480-633-7199 jeanette@yoga-yingo.com www.yoga-yingo.com Jeanette Runnings, Sole Proprietor Kustomer Kinetics, Inc. 136 E. St. Joseph Street, Unit A Arcadia, CA 91006 800-959-1145 626-445-6161 (fax) 626-445-6162 sales@kustomerkinetics.com www.kustomerkinetics.com Jay Berger, President Furniss Corporation 3350 Urbancrest Industrial Drive Grove City, OH 43123 800-273-5233 614-871-1470 (fax) 614-871-9353 sales@furnisscorp.com www.kneecpm.com Elizabeth Furniss, Director of Sales Therapro, Inc. 225 Arlington Street Framingham, MA 01702 800-257-5376 508-872-9494 (fax) 508-875-2062 kcotr@theraproducts.com www.therapro.com Karen Conrad, PhD, OTR/L, President Therapro, Inc. offers unique products, publications, and assessments that address OT treatment throughout the life cycle, including early intervention, early learning, school-based practice, assistive technology, rehabilitation, and wellness. Visit www.theraproducts.com for catalog updates and online shopping. Ergo Solutions, LLC 1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036 202-261-6598 (fax) 202-318-8036 paudel@goergorehab.com www.goergorehab.com BG-12 601 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20049 888-227-7669 202-434-2223 jdunning@aarp.org www.aarp.org/drive Josh Dunning, Senior Project Manager Adaptive Mobility Services, Inc. 1000 Delaney Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 407-426-8020 (fax) 407-426-8690 spierce@adaptivemobility.com www.adaptivemobility.com Susan Pierce, President AMS is a leader in education for therapists desiring knowledge and skill in the specialty area of driving and community mobility. The instructors are master clinicians and inspire by their teaching and enthusiasm. American Occupational Therapy Association DOCUMENTATION 12 Cadillac Drive, Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 888-401-4400 (fax) 615-259-3602 sales@redocsoftware.com www.redocsoftware.com Luke Sands, Senior Vice President, Chief Business Development Officer DRESSING AND GROOMING AIDS Mercer County Rehab Supply, Inc. CONTRACT SERVICES AARP Driver Safety DEVELOPMENT ReDoc Software CONTINUOUS PASSIVE MOTIONS DRIVING EVALUATION 737 N Broad Street Ext. Grove City, PA 16127 800-258-4212 724-458-6612 (fax) 724-458-6286 eegbert@mercercountyrehab.com www.mercercountyrehab.com Elaine Egbert, Marketing 4720 Montgomery Lane Bethesda, MD 20814-3425 USA 877-404-2682 (fax) 770-238-0414 AOTACustomerService@PBD.com www.aota.org AOTA offers a variety of resources on driving rehabilitation for older adults and adolescents, including OT-DORA: Occupational Therapy Driver Off-Road Assessment Battery; Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Driving and Community Mobility for Older Adults; and Driver Rehabilitation Across Age and Disability. Continuing Education is ADED approved and includes the Self-Paced Clinical Course (also available as text) Driving and Community Mobility: Occupational Therapy Strategies Across the Lifespan; Online Course Driving and Community Mobility for Older Adults: Occupational Therapy Roles, Revised; and CEonCD™s (also available as online courses) titled Determining Capacity to Drive for Drivers With Dementia Using Research, Ethics, and Professional Reasoning: The Responsibility of All Occupational Therapists; Creating Successful Transitions to Community Mobility for Adolescents; and the Driving Assessment and Training Technique: Addressing the Needs of Students With Cognitive and Social Limitations Behind the Wheel. For these resources and more, shop online at http://store.aota.org. Drive Safety 426 White Pine Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84123 801-557-2170 (fax) 801-266-4570 devans@drivesafety.com www.drivesafety.com Douglas Evans, Chief Executive Officer DriveSafety builds advanced clinical driving simulators, providing powerful tools to help in the rehabilitation and assessment and of patients' functional abilities. Hospitals, clinics, and the military use DriveSafety simulators to enhance the cognitive, visual, and physical rehabilitation of patients with a broad range of diagnoses. Visit www.drivesafety.com today. Meltzer's Driver Training Center 44 Dorothy Heights Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-297-3966 (fax) 815-371-3305 mdtccdrs@aol.com. www.drivingacar.com Matthew Meltzer, CDRS, President Simulator Systems International 5358 S 125th E Avenue, Suite C Tulsa, OK 74146 800-843-4764 918-250-4500 (fax) 918-250-4502 vehicle@simulatorsystems.com www.simulatorsystems.com Todd Roberts, Vice President Sales and Marketing SSI's rehab and assessment driving simulators measure brake reaction time, form and color recognition, memory retention, and field of vision. Each includes a comprehensive curriculum featuring a virtual instructor, along with error feedback and reporting. We offer 200+ exercises, including real-world driving conditions, crash avoidance, adverse weather, and dense traffic. DECEMBER 16, 2013 * WWW.AOTA.ORG http://store.aota.org http://www.adaptivemobility.com http://www.therapro.com http://www.therapro.com http://www.adaptivemobility.com http://www.theraproducts.com http://www.theraproducts.com http://www.aota.org http://www.simulatorsystems.com http://www.aota.org http://www.simulatorsystems.com http://WWW.AOTA.ORG

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2014 OT Practice Buyer's Guide

2014 OT Practice Buyer's Guide
Table of Contents
Activities of Daily Living
Adaptive Equipment & Devices
ADA-Related Products
Ambulatory Aids, Canes, Walkers, and Accessories
Arm/Wrist Exercisers
Arts and Crafts
Assessment Tools
Assisted Living Facilities
Assistive Technology
Back Therapy Equipment
Bandages, Slings, and Braces
Bathroom, Laundry, and Toilet Aids
Biofeedback, Electrotherapy
Clothing, Adaptive
Cognitive Rehab Materials
Colleges and Universities
Computer Input Devices
Computer Software, Billing, and Management
Computer Software, Curriculum/Education Management
Computer Software, Instructional
Computer Software, Rehabilitation
Continuing Education Programs/Workshops
Continuous Passive Motions
Contract Services
Dressing and Grooming Aids
Driving Evaluation
Driving/Community Mobility
Early Intervention/ Early Childhood
Eating and Feeding Aids
Education Materials
Electronic Medical Records/ Electronic Health Records
Exercisers, General Resistive
Foot Aids/Orthoses
Functional Assessment Equipment
Furniture, Adaptive
Hand Exercisers
Hand Therapy Supplies
Handicapped- Accessible Vehicles
Handwriting and Reading Aids
Health & Wellness
Home Design, Construction, and Modification
Hot/Cold Therapy
Injury Prevention
Mental Health
Mobility Devices
Pain Management
Perceptual Motor Development
Private Practice
Promotional Items
Reaching Devices
Recruitment and Staffing
Rehabilitation Facilities
Schools (Pre-K thru 12)
Seating/Positioning, Adults and Children
Sensory Integration/ Sensory Processing
Therapeutic Activities/ Materials
Therapeutic Equipment
Toys, Adapted
Upper Extremity
Videos, Film, DVDs, and Audiotapes
Vocational Rehabilitation
Wheelchairs and Accessories
Work Hardening
Work Evaluations

2014 OT Practice Buyer's Guide
