gradPSYCH - September 2011 - (Page 36)
Free money
for education
Check out these oft-overlooked sources of funding for psychology graduate students.
ost students who are training to be psychologists don’t choose the field in search of a big salary. For many, their degree will also come with a heavy debt load. According to 2009
data from APA’s Center for Workforce Studies, recent graduates in health-service-provider subfields face an average debt of more than $88,000, with 78 percent reporting some debt upon graduation. Students with a research bent tend to fare better, reporting average student loan debt of nearly $50,000, with just over half graduating with no debt at all, thanks to traditional academic sources of support, such as teaching and research assistantships. But no matter what area of psychology you’re interested in, there are many ways to finance your education, including awards to help you fund your dissertation research, tuition tax credits, and travel grants that allow you to attend conferences to publicize your research interests and meet potential employers. Here’s a wrap-up of the money you may be missing out on.
36 • gradPSYCH • September 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of gradPSYCH - September 2011
GradPSYCH - September 2011
Interns: Be sure to track your hours
Students often notice but only sometimes blow the whistle on peers’ ethical violations
Psychology student spearheads coming-out project
Internship application costs rise
Odd Jobs
Media Picks
Chair’s Corner
Research Roundup
Matters to a Degree
The new academic job market
Applier beware
Does TV accurately portray psychology?
Safer travels
How to handle a tough audience
Free Money for Education
Meet your new advocates
Bulletin Board
Jobs, internships, postdocs and other opportunities
The Back Page
gradPSYCH - September 2011