gradPSYCH - November 2011 - (Page 12)

Meet a psychologist circus Dr. Madeleine Hallé works with circus performers on such issues as overcoming fear and the pressure of preparing for performances. 12 • gradPSYCH • November 2011 Christine Muschi

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of gradPSYCH - November 2011

GradPSYCH - November 2011
Most practice-oriented psychology students Google their clients
Does romance quash women’s interest in science?
Goodbye to the ad hoc postdoc
Graduate students take on Capitol Hill
Media Picks
Odd Jobs
Research Roundup
Grad school traps
Chair’s Corner
Postgrad growth area: Designing workplace wellness programs
Study smart
Fighting food addiction
Matters to a Degree
Using social media in your research
Midlife grad students
Are you really ready for private practice?
Bulletin Board
Jobs, internships, postdocs and other opportunities
The Back Page

gradPSYCH - November 2011