Monitor on Psychology - February 2012 - (Page 80)
neW Journal edItor
At the intersection of law and psychology
Margaret Bull Kovera plans to commission papers that have the potential to influence public policy.
wise and in practice,” says Kovera, adding that he new editor of Law and Human they also helped raise the journal’s profile. Behavior, the journal of APA’s Div. 41 “There are other areas ripe for that.” Possible (American Psychology-Law Society) topics include gay parenting, the effects of preis interested in research on the intersection of trial publicity on jurors and the best way to law and behavior, no matter who produces it. deal with juvenile offenders. The journal features research from Of course, adds Kovera, the commissioning such fields as criminal justice, sociology, of these papers is to augment — not to replace psychiatry, political science, education and — the articles the journal receives through the communication as well as law and psychology. normal submission process. “What we really look for is the best Kovera also plans to revive an old tradition research in psychology and law on any topic,” at the journal: a student editorial board. The says Margaret Bull Kovera, PhD, a past mentorship program would allow editorial president of Div. 41 and psychology professor Dr. Margaret Bull Kovera board members to appoint students to serve at John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the as reviewers alongside them. “Schools don’t teach reviewing,” City University of New York. “We’re less concerned about which says Kovera. “If we want to ensure future generations of disciplines are contributing.” reviewers write well-balanced, insightful reviews, then we need As editor in chief, Kovera — who has served as associate to spend some time training them.” Kovera is also committed to editor for the last six years — plans to continue the journal’s continuing her predecessor’s goal of reducing the time it takes tradition of commissioning special scientific review papers with to review manuscripts. the aim of influencing public policy. Kovera, whose own research focuses on eyewitness Unlike the regular articles the journal publishes, these papers identification, jury decision-making, jury selection and legal originate with the editor and Div. 41’s executive board, who decision-makers’ evaluation of scientific evidence, is the first identify both topics and authors. The manuscripts are posted woman to edit the journal. for public comment, presented at psychology meetings, revised “At times, people have expressed concerns about women’s and posted for another round of public comment before they ability to rise in the divisions, especially in Div. 41,” she says. even begin the regular peer review process. The journal has “This is one of the last great barriers.” published two such papers in the past, one on best practices in In her free time, Kovera sings with her choir at such venues eyewitness identification situations and another that offered as Carnegie Hall and the Vatican’s music festival. And she’s recommendations for interrogating suspects in ways that help trying to like running. “The jury’s still out on that — every pun prevent false confessions. intended,” she says. n “Those two articles have been very influential, both research80 M o n i t o r o n p s y c h o l o g y • F e b ru a ry 2 0 1 2
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Monitor on Psychology - February 2012
Monitor on Psychology - February 2012
President’s column
From the CEO
APA files two briefs in support of same-sex couples
New registry seeks to understand addiction recovery through ‘crowdsourcing’
APA launches a database of tests and measures
Watch for new member benefit: “APA Access”
Apply now for APA’s Advanced Training Institutes
PsycTHERAPY, APA’s new database, brings therapy demos to life
In Brief
APA scientists help guide tobacco regulation
A-mazing research
‘A machine for jumping to conclusions’
Judicial Notebook
Random Sample
Righting the imbalance
The beginnings of mental illness
Science Directions
Improving disorder classification, worldwide
Protesting proposed changes to the DSM
Interventions for at-risk students
Harnessing the wisdom of the ages
Anti-bullying efforts ramp up
Hostile hallways
R U friends 4 real?
Support for teachers
Speaking of Education
Record keeping for practitioners
Going green
At the intersection of law and psychology
Division Spotlight
Grants help solve society’s problems
Monitor on Psychology - February 2012