Monitor on Psychology - April 2012 - (Page 11)

Mental health services remain scarce at community colleges Despite mounting mental health problems among students at community colleges, fewer than 13 percent provide psychiatric services for students, finds a January survey by the American College Counseling Association. By contrast, 56 percent of four-year colleges and universities offer on-campus psychiatric services, according to ACCA data. And while 68 percent of community colleges do offer some sort of personal counseling, the lack of psychiatric care is worrisome since many community college students are at an increased risk for depression, anxiety disorders and other mental health problems compared with their traditional university student counterparts, says Amy Lenhart, chair of the ACCA Community College Task Force that conducted the survey of 294 community college counselors. Twoyear college students are more likely than university students to be employed or supporting family members while they attend school — stressors that can take their toll on these students’ mental health, she says. The survey data support the notion that such stressors are affecting these students: 60 percent of the community college counselors ACCA surveyed reported that they had seen more severe problems among students they counseled within the last year. The lack of services for these students is also troubling because commuter students are particularly vulnerable to Fewer than 13 percent of community colleges provide psychiatric services for students. having their problems go unnoticed on campus, says Lenhart. says Lenhart. On top of their mental health counseling duties, Community colleges don’t have residence97 percent of counselors surveyed said they were responsible life staff who help faculty and staff watch out for signs of for serving on campus committees, academic advising and student mental illness, such as cutting off contact with friends career counseling. or chronically missing classes. says Lenhart. “So if there is “We wear a lot of different hats,” says Lenhart. “If you’ve got a crisis, sometimes, sadly, we don’t know until after it has counselors doing all kinds of other things, how are they going happened.” to be there effectively for the students?” Contributing to the problem is that many community college counselors can’t devote enough time to student care, —J. CHAMBERLIN APRIL 2012 • MONITOR ON PSYCHOLOGY 11 Stockbyte

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Monitor on Psychology - April 2012

Monitor on Psychology - April 2010
President’s Column
From the CEO
Internship Shortage Continues
Mental Health Services Remain Scarce at Community Colleges
Apa Weighs in on the Constitutionality of Life Without Parole for Juvenile Offenders
Apa Praises Court’s Support for Equality
New Mobile App Answers Psychologists’ Clinical Questions
Nih Offers Free Web Resources for Psychologist Researchers
New and Improved Psyclink
In Brief
Government Relations Update
Time Capsule
Random Sample
Judicial Notebook
Early Career Psychology
Psychologist Profile
Coal Miners’ Dilemma
The Science of Political Advertising
Science Watch
Science Directions
More Support Needed for Trauma Interventions
The Case Against Spanking
Innovative Psychology at the High School Level
Speaking of Education
Apa Divisions Reach Out to New Psychologists
New Journal Editors
A Home Base for Multiple Fields
Division Spotlight
American Psychological Foundation
Awards and Funding Opportunities

Monitor on Psychology - April 2012