Monitor on Psychology - April 2012 - (Page 14)
NIH offers free Web resources for psychologist researchers
A branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has created two free Webbased programs: e-Source, a “textbook” of social and behavioral research methods, and a Web-based genetics course specifically for social science and behavioral researchers. NIH’s Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) unveiled e-Source on Jan. 6. The free website offers 20 interactive chapters on cutting-edge social and behavioral science research methods, including social survey data collection, qualitative methods, clinical trials and measuring socioeconomic status. The chapters give an overview of new research methods as well as updates of existing methods. New online courses include a genetics tutorial and tips for measuring socioeconomic status. “If there’s a new “As the research literature focuses on integrating genetics technique you want to learn, with complex social and behavioral outcomes, there is a clear this provides a very good, up-to-date resource,” says OBSSR associated demand to help educate the next generation,” says Director Robert Kaplan, PhD. Michael Spittel, PhD, an OBSSR administrator. “This Web The free, interactive genetics course was created through course is designed to help behavioral and social scientists an OBSSR contract with the National Coalition for Health understand some of the basic concepts in the field in addition Professional Education in Genetics. The program is designed to to exposing them to some of the cutting-edge research topics.” help behavioral and social science researchers work effectively He expects the online course will continue to evolve. OBSSR with genetics researchers. The site uses case studies of research will track how it’s used and by whom and collect feedback to on obesity, tobacco, major depression and breast cancer to use in creating more online courses on new topics. show how genetics concepts can be used to better understand These online resources will not replace hands-on training, social and behavioral research questions. For example, in says Kaplan. But, as travel costs continue to increase and the obesity section, the course walks students through a researchers have more constraints on their time, he expects that collaboration between a sociologist and a geneticist. Web-based programs will provide training to more researchers The course also offers basic genetics tutorials on such than OBSSR could serve with onsite programs, such as its concepts as how genetic information is stored, how DNA summer training institutes. variations occur and how genetic information is expressed. Researchers can access e-Source at Researchers can move through the sections at their own pace and the genetics course at and can dig deeper into those topics that are most relevant to their work. —B. AZAR
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Monitor on Psychology - April 2012
Monitor on Psychology - April 2010
President’s Column
From the CEO
Internship Shortage Continues
Mental Health Services Remain Scarce at Community Colleges
Apa Weighs in on the Constitutionality of Life Without Parole for Juvenile Offenders
Apa Praises Court’s Support for Equality
New Mobile App Answers Psychologists’ Clinical Questions
Nih Offers Free Web Resources for Psychologist Researchers
New and Improved Psyclink
In Brief
Government Relations Update
Time Capsule
Random Sample
Judicial Notebook
Early Career Psychology
Psychologist Profile
Coal Miners’ Dilemma
The Science of Political Advertising
Science Watch
Science Directions
More Support Needed for Trauma Interventions
The Case Against Spanking
Innovative Psychology at the High School Level
Speaking of Education
Apa Divisions Reach Out to New Psychologists
New Journal Editors
A Home Base for Multiple Fields
Division Spotlight
American Psychological Foundation
Awards and Funding Opportunities
Monitor on Psychology - April 2012