Monitor on Psychology - April 2012 - (Page 82)

Tto our hanks donors APF thanks those who paid tribute to colleagues, mentors and loved ones by making a gift to the foundation in 2011. Their generosity ensures the future of psychology and honors the people who have helped make a difference in your life. In honor of Dr. Nancy L. Baker In honor of Melba Vasquez, PhD Mr. Stanley and Dr. June E. Blum In honor of Patricia Pitta Dr. Janis Bohan and Dr. Glenda Russell In honor of Cisco Sanchez, PhD Robert A. Brown, PhD In honor of Ray Fowler Dr. Joanne E. and Mr. James R. Callan In honor of Raymond Fowler, PhD Dr. Mathilda B. Canter In honor of Leona Aiken upon her induction as one of three President’s Professors at Arizona State University Dorothy W. Cantor, PsyD In honor of a speedy recovery for Dr. Phyllis Tobin In honor of Bonnie Markham’s speedy recovery Dr. Helen L. Coons In memory of Jennifer Kelly’s brother and nephew Dr. Erik Craig In honor of Paul J. Stern 82 MONITOR ON PSYCHOLOGY • APRIL 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Monitor on Psychology - April 2012

Monitor on Psychology - April 2010
President’s Column
From the CEO
Internship Shortage Continues
Mental Health Services Remain Scarce at Community Colleges
Apa Weighs in on the Constitutionality of Life Without Parole for Juvenile Offenders
Apa Praises Court’s Support for Equality
New Mobile App Answers Psychologists’ Clinical Questions
Nih Offers Free Web Resources for Psychologist Researchers
New and Improved Psyclink
In Brief
Government Relations Update
Time Capsule
Random Sample
Judicial Notebook
Early Career Psychology
Psychologist Profile
Coal Miners’ Dilemma
The Science of Political Advertising
Science Watch
Science Directions
More Support Needed for Trauma Interventions
The Case Against Spanking
Innovative Psychology at the High School Level
Speaking of Education
Apa Divisions Reach Out to New Psychologists
New Journal Editors
A Home Base for Multiple Fields
Division Spotlight
American Psychological Foundation
Awards and Funding Opportunities

Monitor on Psychology - April 2012