Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 2
Managing Stress at a Stressful Time
This is a stressful time, to say the least. Even if you are not feeling much
stress or even feeling less stress due to reduced schoolwork and fewer
extracurricular activities, you are surrounded by stress. You may see
your parent(s) or siblings feeling very stressed; maybe they are fighting more or acting irritable.
Missing out on things you were looking forward to, which is a change to your expectations, is
stressful. Many students are missing their graduations, proms, promotion ceremonies, time with
friends, or playing sports. It may be your last year at your school, or with a favorite teacher, and
you are missing the chance to process that. Or maybe you never got to do your school play that
you had been rehearsing for or all of your soccer tournaments were canceled. Missing seeing
your friends in person, missing your teachers and the feeling of being at school: all of that creates
stress. These are losses and things outside of our control, and this make us feel stressed.
There are a few key ways to manage stress, and cope with these changes.
First, focus on the four parts to "Well-Being" (these are things you've probably heard before, but
maybe now you actually have the time to do them):
Sleep: Most teens don't get enough of it and they need 9-9 1/2 hours
Nutrition: Eating healthy foods (think fruits, vegetables, beans)
Exercise: Daily cardio for 30-45 minutes
Relaxation: Having down-time to unwind and feel restored
Second, focus on what is within your control, not what lies outside of it. For example, you are
in control of your attitude, your thoughts, and your actions. You are in charge of how you spend
your time; you can choose to take this time to be more creative and find new interests.
Third, the main thing to remember is that this is about adapting. Those who adapt well will
end up feeling better and doing better. Being flexible in the way you are thinking and reducing
your expectations will help you be more adapted to this situation. Cue yourself: What would
someone who is flexible think right now? What would they do?
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover1
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover2
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 1
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 2
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 3
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 4
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 5
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 6
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 7
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 8
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 9
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 10
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 11
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 12
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 13
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 14
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 15
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 16
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 17
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover3
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover4