Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 3

Now that you've learned a bit about stress management, what is the one thing that you will
work on? Is it getting more sleep, working out more, learning how to meditate?

Write that goal here:
By the way, relaxation and meditation are like magic. No one ever regrets taking time to
relax and clear the mind of any thoughts. There are many apps that can help with this; one free
favorite is "Insight Timer"-it has thousands and thousands of recordings that you can listen to
and find one that works for you.
Lastly, did you know that if you "self-montior" (which means you keep track of) your
progress in working toward a goal, that you are 50% more likely to meet that goal? Creating a way
of measuring your progress is key. You can use this chart or print a calendar online and use little
checks or stars to keep track of your progress (for example, if your goal is to work out more, give
yourself a check for each day that you work out):









Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic

Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover1
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover2
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 1
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 2
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 3
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 4
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 5
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 6
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 7
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 8
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 9
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 10
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 11
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 12
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 13
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 14
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 15
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 16
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - 17
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover3
Unstuck: 10 Things to Do to Stay Safe and Sane During the Pandemic - Cover4